If you want to join the alpha program, follow these steps:
1) Join the Facebook for Android Alpha Testers Google grouphttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/facebook-for-android-alpha-testers
2) Allow alpha downloads by clicking “Become a Tester” in the Play Store (you need to join the Google Group before becoming a tester)
3) Download Facebook from the Play Store to update your app
4) Turn on automatic updates--we'll be updating alpha multiple times per week
5) Report problems and give us feedback by using the "Report a Problem" menu item
Be aware that the alpha version of the app installs over both the beta and the general release. Because of the way Google Play works, if you sign up for both pre-release programs you will receive the alpha version. If you later decide alpha is not for you and want to be back on the general release, you can stop testing by clicking "Leave the test" in the Play Store.
Source : FaceBook
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