Sweet Dread for Galaxy Y! A beautiful rom based on stock rom and android version 4.0.4, visually very attractive, fast, powerful, with new status bar, functional, very similar to Ice Cream Sandwich.
What we have in it?
Latest Indian firmware + DDLE1
+ Deodexed
+ Zipalign
+ DSP Manager
+ ICS Theme Creed v3.5 (Thanks for D.J ^^)
+ Transparency
ROM http://www.mediafire.com/?end9gj38yr5uvmi
THEME Ics Theme by D.J ^^
Tutorial rom:
Download the files, and transfer to you SD Card
Reboot Into recovery
Do a Wipe data factory reset
Select: Apply Update zip from sd card
Choose File: Sweet Dread ICS + New status bar by Mr.Ally.Luz.zip
Reboot System now
The boot can take up to 6 minutes
ICS Theme Tutorial:
After you have installed the rom, turn off your mobile
Turn you phone in recovery mode
Select "Apply Update Zip from sd card"
select the file: Theme 3.5.zip
Wait install and reboot system now

ROM BY mrallyluz(THREAD)
What we have in it?
Latest Indian firmware + DDLE1
+ Deodexed
+ Zipalign
+ DSP Manager
+ ICS Theme Creed v3.5 (Thanks for D.J ^^)
+ Transparency
ROM http://www.mediafire.com/?end9gj38yr5uvmi
THEME Ics Theme by D.J ^^
Tutorial rom:
Download the files, and transfer to you SD Card
Reboot Into recovery
Do a Wipe data factory reset
Select: Apply Update zip from sd card
Choose File: Sweet Dread ICS + New status bar by Mr.Ally.Luz.zip
Reboot System now
The boot can take up to 6 minutes
ICS Theme Tutorial:
After you have installed the rom, turn off your mobile
Turn you phone in recovery mode
Select "Apply Update Zip from sd card"
select the file: Theme 3.5.zip
Wait install and reboot system now

ROM BY mrallyluz(THREAD)
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